We are all planning on having a table at the rally, it is definately on our calendar! We are looking forward to it and will certainly be there.  We have some postering techniques we could utilize as well as listservs we are on. If there is a poster we will put it up around campus and we would like to have one for our tabling as well. Does anyone else have any ideas? --Leigh

Beth Tarallo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hey folks,
 On April 2nd (Friday) at 1:15, We'll be having a Pro-Choice rally and March kick off at UVM in from of the B-H library with Gloria Fedlt, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Women's Center on campus is sponsoring the rally.
 I'm working with a couple of students to get this organized, and we were wondering if the coalition would like to staff a table there to get folks signed up for the march. We're hoping to get about 100 people there, so I'd love any ideas on spreading the word, etc, and hope you can make it.
 Let me know what you think about tabling at the rally!

Beth Tarallo, VT Grassroots Organizer, PPNNE
[log in to unmask]
802 878 7232 ext 232
March with me on Sunday, April 25th 2004 for Women's Lives! Check out www.ppnne.org/march for more info and to buy bus tickets!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathleen Brown [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Letter for Fundraising

Technically the women's center only reserved buses, and are not paying for them.  (that will come from someone collecting all the bus money- Shannon (?).  As for fundraising, it could just go to an individual.  Departments might be able transfer $ to the womens center but I'm not sure how we would get it to the person centralizing the bus money.

Christina Helene Churchill <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I have been trying to draft a letter, but I do not know where the checks for
donations should go. Should they be made out to the Women's Center? How much
money do we need to make to break even on the buses (so how much did the
Women's Center dish out for the buses)? If no one knows I can call the Center.

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