The meeting is 8:00 in billings fireplace lounge, we will be there a little early working out some other kinks too. love, leigh
Christina Helene Churchill <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Okay awesome -
What time are you meeting on Thursday and where?
Quoting Leigh Branson <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hey don't worry about the letter, Morgan from Fundraising fraction and FMLA
> as well as myself met with Tim Shiner for advice and we are working on a
> letter this week and sending them out on Friday. If you would like to meet
> with us this Thursday and help that would be awesome, but we got a lot of
> good tips from Tim that we would like to utilize. We aren't worrying so much
> about breaking even as being able to have amble financial aid for people who
> would not be able to go on the trip if they had to pay $50. Thanks, Leigh
> Christina Helene Churchill <[log in to unmask]>wrote:I have been trying to
> draft a letter, but I do not know where the checks for
> donations shou!
ld go.
Should they be made out to the Women's Center? How much
> money do we need to make to break even on the buses (so how much did the
> Women's CenteI to dish out for the buses)? If no one knows I can call the
> Center.
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