
Welcome back to freezing Vermont, I hope that everyone had a great spring break.
 I just wanted to remind everyone that there will be a meeting tonight at
7.30pm in L and L Room 216. It is so important that everyone comes tonight so
we can work out strategies for the next month so that we can get the largest
amount of people as possible to the protest.  We have to be loud and oranized
so that we can stand up to the right wing attack.  If the Bush Administration
wants to write a ban on gay marriage into the constitution, where are they
going to stop?  We know already that they are trying to ban abortion in South
Dakota, we have to fight back now before they think that they can get away with
anything.  This weekend saw 33,000 people (well that wahts the police say so it
must be really closer to 100,000!) in the streets of New York City, protesting
the occupations in Haiti, Palestine and Iraq and while this was great it was
nothing on the mass marches of the anti-war movement last Srping.  The women's
momvement has seen the same decline since the million person marches of the
early 90's and we need to bring it back up to the levels that we saw then.
Remember how the speakers from NARAL and PLANNED PARENTHOOD did not mention the
march when they were speaking on the panel we held?  We have to be the ones to
promote it on the ground, this is where change will come from, 1 million people
in the streets, not one person in the White House.  We need to make this the
focus of everything we do - get people on the bus, get people on the bus, get
people on the bus.........

See you all tongiht, bring your friends....
Charlotte Miller
English Department