Congratulations to the Coalition and all those who attended the March this past weekend. I am still looking for one or two more people who are willing to share the experience with folks who weren't able to go at this Thursday's Women at Noon program. Below are the details, please email me directly if interested at [log in to unmask] Thanks, April 29th, Noon, Women's Center, 34 S Williams St. - Please note the change in schedule from the print flyer. This event and the May 6th event have switched topics. March for Women's Lives Report On April 25, 2004, students, youth, community members, major reproductive rights leaders, labor, human rights, LGBT rights, and environmental organizations will gather in D.C. in record numbers to show their support for a woman's right to choose. Come hear the stories and experiences of a few of the people who went from UVM. Timothy Shiner Women's Center University of Vermont 802.656.4637