Hi all, The early exam option will be Tuesday, 11 May 8pm-11:45pm. NOTE THE DIFFERENT TIME THAN WHAT WE DISCUSSED IN CLASS YESTERDAY! It turns out the registrar won't let me offer an early alternative that conflicts with other scheduled exams. Sorry, I should have known about that policy. The early exam option as well as both review sessions will be in Aiken 104. Please refer to http://www.uvm.edu/~komland/NR_103_web/NR_103_Home_Page.htm You will also be able to download the review sheet there by the end of this week. Peace, Kristian -- Kristian Omland Postdoctoral Research Associate Vermont Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources University of Vermont Burlington VT 05405 voice: (802)656-2496 fax: (802)656-8683 web page: http://www.uvm.edu/~komland