--- Dana Dorsett <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Secondly, why load up the relatively light weight R:EX with a
> heavier binding and put your nice light Freerides on the beastly-
> heavy CMH?

The Freerides are not all that light, when compared to the lighter
alpine bindings.  If Michael/Miguel has the plain S912 TI binding,
then it's 2kg/pair (= 4lb 6oz) vs. 4lb 4oz for the Freerides.  The
numbers are from backcountrystore and Salomon.  Some of the S912
models do weigh substantially more, though.

--- Jeremy Malczyk <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Ditto. Half the locals at Cannon ski on that exact same combo. You'll
> have no problem unloading those on Ebay.

I'm sure that it will be possible to sell the skis sans bindings
on Ebay.  Will probably get around $150, +/- $50.  But selling
on Ebay is a headache.  Emails to answer, shipping to arrange and
possibly a mediocre selling price.  Figure at least two hours of
wasted time, which has to be deducted from the selling price,
assuming that personal time is worth something.

Of course, there's a good chance that someone on the list will want
this stuff, making it possible to rapidly dispose of the gear
at a fair price to all.

FYI, the current backcountrystore price for the Freerides is $200.


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