Jeremy Malczyk [[log in to unmask]] writes:

> Wow! That's like 2 months behind where it should be. So is that
because of
>rain and warmth or just severe lack of Presi snowfall this season?

Yes, but wouldn't that be like 2 months _ahead_ of where it should be?

Sorry to say it was a dusty-dry January-February with lots of cold,
little moisture. Then when the rains of late-March April showed up the
significant precip events were often a few degrees too warm.  'Twas
heavy rain that caused the bigger avi in the bowl in early April- had it
been snow it coulda been a bonanza...


And it didn't get any heavy precip in the form of snow since.

You can count the moguls in the Left Gully with your digits in this pic( ), socks off, but no need to borrow a friend.

Pathetic indeed!

I just downloaded the digicam shots of my 26 April Tuckerman trip onto
my laptop this weekend- looked pretty pathetic even then. I haven't had
the heart to post 'em anywhere. But at least the Left Gully was skiable
top to bottom that day (but nothing else was, unless one felt like
structuring bases on Chute- ouch!)


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