Jonathan Shefftz [[log in to unmask]] writes:

>> Jeremy Malczyk <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Granted, the R:EX is a foam core (I think) but if I remember right it
>>a mount plate on it that's gonna add a bit of weight (that also may
>>mounting Freerides harder).
>You're thinking the much fatter Big Daddy and Sugar Daddy or the much
>skinner R:11.  The Rex and its Texmex tele twin (or whatever it's
>are plateless, and are pretty much the lightest skis you can find for
>waist width.

That certainly jives with what my bicep was tellin' me heftin' Tom
Morrison's undrilled 180cm CMH (& skiin' Jerm's 180 CMH) vs. Aaron's
_mounted_ TMEXs (both the 177s and 184s) and Patrick Haskells R:EX

I suspect Aaron's Dynafit-mounted 177cm TMEXs are lighter than a 180cm
UNmounted CMH (either that or my arm got stronger! :-) )  But they're
still not bantam-weights by any means, about 2x the fairy-wing
helium-core Tua Montours w' the 3 pins on top (but about a cm fatter


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