Dana, Watching those movies, I don't know whether what I'm looking at is beautiful or pitiful. They brought to mind that thread recently where someone mentioned that some of us skivt-l'ers should get a summer hobby. Well summer be damned! You go Dana. See you at Killington in the fall; good luck hiberating this summer. - cph -----Original Message----- From: Vermont Skiing Discussion and Snow Reports [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Dana Dorsett Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:23 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [SKIVT-L] Assault on the Wachusett Glacier, 25 May 2004 Mount Wachusett MA, 25 May 2004: It was weeks in the planning & preparation stage, but the weather wasn't in our favor.. Finally a break- but it wasn't predicted to last! What to do- abandon carefully laid plans for the expedition, or go fast & light, get in & out while we had our chance??? The latter of course! Quickly assembling the lightest gear in the quiver we made our way to base camp post haste. http://www.narsil.org/Dana/WaWa/WaWa-Images/1.jpg (The Lightest Skis in the Quiver: XA Blades and Luv BigFoot) The warning signs were ominous, but we were committed (as well as perhaps Committable? I'll ask Jan... or maybe I shouldn't... :-) ), we pressed on! http://jshefftz.photosite.com/~photos/tn/880_1024.ts1085553114000.jpg (Danger signs abound- hey shouldn't that read, "Jonathan & Dana, IF YOU CHOOSE TO SKI..."???) Ascending rapidly (off unbelay!) up the most direct route ignoring the apparent hazard, around the bend our quarry came into view, the majestic Wachusett Glacier! http://jshefftz.photosite.com/~photos/tn/878_1024.ts1085553114000.jpg (On approach. is that a Yeti?) With pounding hearts and bated breath we approached the toe of the glacier with caution- it had been warm recently the snow bridges had collapsed- musn't get nailed by calving ice, now that success was so near at hand! http://jshefftz.photosite.com/~photos/tn/879_1024.ts1085586681735.jpg (At the crevasse.) Scaling the glacier went smoothly and quickly despite the treacherous dirty suncupped surface, but looking down from the bergschrund was intimidating, given the rock exposure on the E side and the steeply inclined western aspect (not to mention the sudden drop at the crevasse!!) http://www.narsil.org/Dana/WaWa/WaWa-Images/2.jpg (View from the top- must be S4 or S5 (or at least as bad as anything _you've_ ever skied)) But the first descent went well, and our anxieties soon evaporated. By the 70th lap it was skiing like a groomer! . Dana Skiing http://www.narsil.org/Dana/WaWa/WaWa-movies/Dana_Skiing.mov . JShefftz Skiing http://www.narsil.org/Dana/WaWa/WaWa-movies/JShefftz_Skiing.mov . Steeps Training http://www.narsil.org/Dana/WaWa/WaWa-movies/Steeps_training.mov An hour later the faint murmur distant thunder above the whispering of the leaves signaled the closing of our window of opportunity- it was time to make a quick exit in failing light. There will be another day. dana _____________ ________ __ __ /________ ________ ___ __( Tele till you drop ___\ ________ ________ __ ____) ______ __________ _ ___/ ______ ___________ _ __( o ____ __________ __ __ \(|\.____ _______ ____ ___`\>/______ ____ ______ ____ \` ______ __ _______ ______`________ _ _______ _______________ __ ______ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SkiVt-L is brought to you by the University of Vermont. To unsubscribe, visit http://list.uvm.edu/archives/skivt-l.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SkiVt-L is brought to you by the University of Vermont. To unsubscribe, visit http://list.uvm.edu/archives/skivt-l.html