ANy place works for me right now.  Could I get a copy of the 'proposal'?

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Vermont New Farmer Network
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Beth Holtzman
        Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 1:18 PM
        To: [log in to unmask]
        Subject: Next New Farmer Network Meeting
        Hello everyone,
        Our next Vermont New Farmer Network meeting will be Thursday
August 5 from 12:30 - 2 pm, again with lunch provided. Please let me
know by July 22 if you can attend, and if you prefer Berlin, Randolph or
        Agenda items will include:
        -- Assessment of accomplishments since 2002, remaining
gaps/needs and emerging needs
        -- Planning for possible fall 2004 strategic planning meeting 
        -- ?Pending grant proposals?
        -- Program updates 
        -- Other -- please feel free to make suggestions.
        Also please mark your calendars for Vt NFN meetings on Sept. 2
and October 7. All will be working lunches beginning at 12:30, with
location to be determined.
        If you have questions or suggestions, please let me know.
        2.      NFN Members will review the Winter 2003 Grant Proposal
"A Proposal to Support New Farmers in Vermont" to see where progress has
been made and what areas are still relevant for future initiatives. If
you need a copy of the proposal, please contact Beth at
[log in to unmask]
        3.      Beth will solicit information from network members to
create a chart organized by the four areas of "access" for new farmers
and showing which network members work in each area.
        4.      NFN members will that chart to check in with others as
we take on new projects.
        5.      Beth will set up monthly meetings for the network for at
least the next few months to continue discussion of a strategic planning
session, and to further consider how to make use Vern  & Ann's offer,
and possibly to discuss details of a SARE proposal (if UVM is asked to
develop it's proposal into a full proposal.)

        Beth Holtzman
        Women's Agricultural Network
        617 Comstock Rd.
        Berlin, VT 05602
        [log in to unmask]
        802-223-2389 ext. 15