Hi Everyone,

Please find enclosed an evaluation form for the Hip Hop & Youth Development Training by James Hills.  He emailed me today to ask if you would be so kind as to fill it out.  

If you can bring it with you to our next JOBS retreat (tentatively scheduled for Friday July 22 - more details to come so only use pencil on the calendar) then I can mail them to James.  This way your evaluation remains anonymous.  

The other choice is to mail it directly to James at:

James W. I. Hills
Regional Youth Development Programs Specialist
US Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
JFK Federal Building
Boston, MA  02203

Thanks and I hope you are able to stay cool in this heat.

Laura Flint
NH-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center
(802) 241-3966
(802) 241-3052 (fax)
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Mailing Address:
Department of Health, Division of Mental Health
103 South Main Street
Waterbury  VT  05671-1601