Check each of the professional performance guidelines at the SVU site.  The time recommended for each study should be listed under each guideline, ie.- 75 minutes for lower extremity venous, guideline #6...
Andy Bebry
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kathy Palmieri 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:49 PM
  Subject: time alloted for studies

  Does anyone know of a reference that is written that would state the time alloted for vascular studies. This would include a documented standard of practice for carotid, venous and arterial studies. I searched on SVU and SDMS but could not find this information. It is noted in the ICAEL Standards for echo, but nothing for vascular. I am working with a lab that needs to justify more staff. Thanks for your help. K

  Kathleen Palmieri, RVT
  Senior Consultant
  Cardiovascular Technology Resources
  Skaneateles, NY 13152
  phone (315) 685-0631
  fax (315) 685-3209 To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html 

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