You go girl!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Betty-Sue/Elizabeth <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sep 9, 2005 5:01 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Katrina

Oh my gosh you guys, this is your "sonographer" from Michigan.  Once again you have impacted my life. This time it's kind of big!!  I am leaving on Sunday morning to go to Mississippi to help out these ladies!!  I am going to stay for at least two weeks.  They have offered me "3 squares and a hard floor".  How could I resist?  I wouldn't have known anything about this if it wasn't for you!!  thanks so much for opening a door and expanding my life.
    I will be putting up an away message so if the moderator would be so kind as to change my subscription (I'm sorry, I know this sounds so lame, but it has been so long since I signed up I don't remember how to even get to the site to unsign and then get back on later)  Anyway, off I go to the gulf coast to give a little relief to some strangers and I'll be back home about the 24th, although I can extend my airline ticket a bit longer, I don't know how long the family will be civil if I do.  Elizabeth the traveling sonographer from Michigan.  Someone smart said,  "don't wait for wings- just jump and they will come" so here I am jumping. 

A Mississippi hospital overwhelmed with patients in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is asking for volunteers from the radiologic technologist community to help deal with the workload.

Ocean Springs Hospital on Mississippi's Gulf Coast was just 18 miles from the eye of the hurricane when it landed in the early morning hours of August 29. The storm produced winds of 125-133 miles per hour and knocked out power to the hospital for a week.
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