Yikes- I see no one has wanted to touch this. Personally I'd discourage it. A position statement from SVU is attached. It touches on the minimal "suggested" qualifications for MDs. . I adhere by it an our private practice... For those in the hospital setting, this task is handled by the credentialing board. Otherwise its all about your payors.....This may be of great importance in states requiring RVT/ICAVL accred. Podiatrists typically have a different background than MDs, and a different license..Check with your state licensing board for scope of practice info as well. The proper research ought to point you in the right direction on this one. http://www.svunet.org/about/positions/standard.physicianquals.htm ----- Original Message ----- From: Joseph E Madison To: [log in to unmask] Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:40 PM Subject: Podiatrists interpreting lower arterials From a reimbursement stand point, can Podiatrists interpret lower extremity arterial exams? To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html