Forgive the notice of birds on butterfly list, but many of you 
probably like feathers as much as scales.


ATTENTION ALL NEW ENGLAND BIRDERS. You asked for a birders' conference,
and we're delivering!

  WHERE: the beautiful Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee, Vermont (just off I91
in the valley of the Connecticut River and about 20 miles north of White
River Junction and the intersections of I91 and I89)

  WHEN: Saturday October 15th with field trips on the 16th

  PROGRAM: the program includes a varied mix of talks and workshops about
New England birds, how-to and where-to presentations, for all levels of
expertise. Also, we intend to organize field trips on the Sunday for
those who want to see some of the northern New England specialties.

Learn from and interact with fellow birders, including a number of
speakers who will present a wide variety of talks on New England birds,

Steve Kress. Restoring Endangered Seabirds: Lessons from Puffins and

Steve Mirick and Iain MacLeod. Documenting Rare Birds in a Digital Age:
the Use of Digiscoping and Digital Video

Bryan Pfeiffer. Becoming a Better Birder: a Workshop for Beginners and

Chris Martin. Peregrine Falcon and Osprey Recovery in NH

Erik Hanson. A 30-year Success Story: the Recovery of Common Loons in VT
and NH

Chris Rimmer, Kent MacFarland. New Insights on a Rare and Enigmatic
Species: Bicknell's

  And many more....

FIELD TRIPS: on the Sunday We are organizing field trips for those who
wish to see some northern specialties - the thousands of snow geese at
Lake Champlain; boreal species of the northern forests, combine birding
with leaf-peeping in the beautiful Connecticut Valley.

VENDORS: birding equipment manufacturers and retailers and book vendors
will also present. Compare binoculars, scope out the scopes, and buy
that essential book!

The cost of participation for the Saturday events will be $75 (if
registered by September 15) or $95 (after September 15). Students are
($55 or $75) and members of VINS and NHA ($65 or $85). These costs
include lunch and snacks. Field trips: $20/person, $10 for those under

Don't fail to register for this unmissable event at (603) 668-2045 or at <>  <> .
See you at Lake Morey!

Kent McFarland
Conservation Biology Department
Vermont Institute of Natural Science
27023 Church Hill Rd.
Woodstock, VT  05091
802-457-1053 x124