Tabbara and
coworkers compared IVUS to uniplanar angiography in the aorta, iliac, and
femoral arteries and found that IVUS was accurate. Similarly, Sheikh and coworkers compared
IVUS to conventional Duplex color-flow ultrasound, 2-D transcutaneous
ultrasound, and digital angiography.
IVUS compared well to the other three modalities in terms of lumen
diameter (r=0.91-0.98) and cross-sectional area (r=0.92-0.97). In addition, both studies comment that
IVUS provides additional information about the location and characteristics of
plaque, not provided by other modalities.
A number of studies have suggested that plaque characteristics may relate
to the success of coronary angioplasty.
A good review of the topic by Korogi et al has been
I will send references in a separate post since Flownet has been rejecting my post because of length.
Professor of Surgery
University of Vermont College of Medicine
Vice President for Clinical
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