We do not measure segmental pressures when the ABI is normal, provided that the ipsilateral tibial Doppler waveform is normal. In my experience, a normal ABI in conjunction with an abnormal waveform suggests an element of wall stiffening, (likely with an ABI >1.4 or when an ankle systolic pressure is >60mmHg above the higher brachial.) Also, if requiring only to determine if PAOD affecting the lower extremity is/is not present, it is not necessary to exercise a patient who has an ABI <0.8. Terry N. Terry Needham Heart & Vascular Erlanger Health System 423-778-5839 PLEASE NOTE MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS [log in to unmask] -----Original Message----- From: UVM Flownet [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Laura Sikkenga Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 12:39 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: ABI questions from curious student Hello, I am a vascular ultrasound student. Our class is having a discussion about ABIs and segmental waveforms/pressures. We understand that many labs start with just ABIs and stop if they are normal. If they are abnormal, they will continue on to complete segmental waveforms and pressures. I am wondering what the consensus is among professionals, about these questions: Is there an advantage, for the patient (or the lab,) to perform the segmental pressures if the ABIs are normal? Or, what is the rationale/justification for only using ABIs when they are normal? Are normal ABIs going to be definitive in every instance? Thank you for your consideration, Laura Sikkenga Jackson Community College -- CoreComm Webmail. http://home.core.com To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html The information or documents contained in this electronic mail message is intended to be privileged and confidential information only for the use of UVM Flownet or entity named herein or above. If you are not UVM Flownet or the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this message or document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, notify [log in to unmask] by e-mail and delete all copies from your system. Erlanger Health System is not responsible for errors in this electronic mail message. Any personal comments made do not necessarily reflect the views of Erlanger Health System. To unsubscribe or search other topics on UVM Flownet link to: http://list.uvm.edu/archives/uvmflownet.html