Seasons Greetings Colleagues,

I have been asked to find links between Agent Orange  and third generation 
 congenital abnormalities (grandchildren of Vietnam veterans) . We have a 
case of a baby with fatal congemtal heart defect  and 2 of its cousins 
have had fatal congenital abnormalities as well.

 I have searched Pubmed however I have been unable to find any articles 
using the above terms . After searching GOOGLE there are quite a few sites 
discussing this topic  however  no authorative studies or case reports  - 
that will stand up in court ...

Any help would be appreciated.

Many Thanks 


Cleo Wilkinson
Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
PO Box 344
QLD 4068

ph: 61 7 3377 8525
fax: 61 7 3377 8737
email: [log in to unmask]