Thanks so much to all who responded! Your information was very helpful.
To summarize:
1) what are the library hours?
Eleven respondents gave total number of open hours per week, ranging from 24 to 48. The average open hours/week was 36; the most-often reported numbers were 40 and 24 hours.
Ten respondents gave their library’s schedule of hours. All began between 8 and 10 AM and the latest closing on any day was 6 PM. Most libraries closed at either 4 PM or 6 PM. Two libraries offer Saturday hours.
2) is there a Masters-level librarian present?
Nine answered yes; of those, 5 have a librarian present during all hours the library is open.
3) what titles describe non-librarian staff?
Health educator, library technician or assistant, student interns, hospital volunteers, information specialist.
Sheila Thomas
Gail P. Gill Consumer Health Library
Delaware Academy of Medicine
Wilmington, DE
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