Apologies for sending this wider than just to Lenny. Tony Tony McSeán Director of Library Relations Elsevier +44 7795 960516 +44 20 7611 4413 -----Original Message----- From: MLA International Cooperation Section [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mcsean, Tony (ELS) Sent: 15 December 2005 08:03 To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Re: [MLAICS-L] ICS Nominations- So sorry, as I forgot to include one office. Can you vote on this offic Wow. That is moving on! -----Original Message----- From: MLA International Cooperation Section To: [log in to unmask] Sent: 14/12/2005 22:13 Subject: Re: [MLAICS-L] ICS Nominations- So sorry, as I forgot to include one office. Can you vote on this offic Done... Cleaned out 95% of my office in 90 minutes; time to move on! Lenny >>> Donna Flake <[log in to unmask]> 12/14/05 4:12 PM >>> Dear ICS members, As Chair of the ICS Nominating Committee, I am so sorry to tell you I omitted one office from the previous election ballot. Please vote on our Nominating Committee's nomination of Elizabeth Eaton with this ballot. Thank you so much and sorry again for the omission. Donna Flake Medical Library Association/International Cooperation Section Official Election Ballot for ICS Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee (An addition to the Ballot) ICS has a single slate policy. Therefore, please check the box next to the candidate to vote. (A Biography of the candidate is below) ICS Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee Elizabeth Eaton ___x______ Please return you ballot by Friday, January 13, 2006 to: Donna Flake Library Director 2131 South 17th Street PO Box 9025 Wilmington, NC 28402 (910) 343-2180 (910) 762-7600 fax [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> If you have questions or concerns, please contact Donna Flake at (910) 343-2180 or email [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> . Thanks to the ICS Nominating Committee: Cathy Boyle, Zana Etter, Mary Moore, Wendy Wu, and Donna Flake, Chair. Brief Biography: Elizabeth K. Eaton, PhD, Executive Director, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library (HAM-TMC Library), Houston, Texas. She began in 2001. Dr Eaton is the Director of the National Library of Medicine's, National Network of Library of Medicine, South Central Region, NN/LM SCR. The HAM-TMC Library has held the contract for the NN/LM SCR since 1991. At the HAM-TMC Library, she reports to a Board of Directors, directs a staff of 66, and serves as faculty member at Baylor College of Medicine, BCM, University of Texas Health Sciences, Houston and Texas Woman's University. She continues to facilitate in the problem based learning courses at both UT and BCM. Today the Library serves over 21 TMC institutions. Previously Dr. Eaton was the Director of Tufts University Health Sciences Library from 1982. At Tufts she was instrumental in designing and modernizing the new library which opened in 1986. Dr. Eaton also has served as a faculty facilitator in the TUSM Problem Based Learning Program and has published and presented several papers on this topic and was the Course Director for New Technologies in the Tufts/Emerson Health Communications Program. While in Boston she also taught a Medical Library Science Course at Simmons College. Dr. Eaton graduated from Hood College, Frederick, MD; received her Masters in Library Sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles; and her Ph.D. from the School of Biomedical Sciences, the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas. She was the Associate Director for Public Services at UTMB Moody Medical Library from 1973-1982. Her dissertation " Evaluation and Model of A Clinical Librarian Program" was the research work from the CML program she began while at UTMB.