Date: March 26, 2006 11:37:37 PM EST
Subject: Earth week- where's your event?
Hopefully, it's on this schedule! Please take a look at the attatchement and let me know any corrections, additions, or cancellations you might have. You will notice there are many gaps that need to be filled in before March 31st (fast approaching!!!). If you are in charge of an event (or are in a group in charge of one) and could send me an email to confirm the details of your event, that would be terrific! Thanks so much for all your work. ~Kae
PS- The attatchment is much better viewed once dowloaded as opposed to if you just click on the link and view it that way. It took me a while to figure this out! If you have any trouble with opening it, let me know, I'm a bit technologically impaired!