We invite abstracts for the following session at the XVII INQUA Congress (Cairns, Australia, 28 July - 3 August 2007):
Applications, Advances and New Frontiers for Cosmogenic Nuclides
Convenor: Timothy T. Barrows (Nuclear Physics Department, ANU)
The past twenty years have seen a rapid expansion in the application of cosmogenic isotopes to an array of Quaternary dating problems. From humble beginnings, cosmogenic nuclides now have applications in fields as diverse as geology, geomorphology, palaeoclimatology, geophysics, palaeoseisomology, and palaeoceanography.
We invite contributions from all researchers who use cosmogenic isotopes in Quaternary research, especially in palaeoclimatology. Abstracts are particularly welcome from those involved in calibration of cosmogenic nuclide production rates or refining the systematics used in dating. There will be an invited keynote speaker and an oral as well as a poster session.
Abstracts should be submitted to via the conference web site http://www.inqua2007.net.au/ (The deadline for abstract submission is 31st January 2007).

Dr Timothy T. Barrows,
Research Fellow
Department of Nuclear Physics ,
Building 57, RSPhysSE
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT, 0200 Australia
T: +61 (0)2 6125 2077 (office)
T: +61 (0)2 6125 2083 (messages)
M: 0422 936 987
W: Australasian Quaternary Association (www.aqua.org.au )