Friday works for me

Quoting Mutsumi Corson <[log in to unmask]>:

> Japanese House no minasan,
> I asked you before about the time of the flower arranging workshop.
> We usually have it on Thursday (lunch time), but I often heard that
> the time didn't work out for many students, so I contacted Yumoto
> sensei (Flower arranging instructor) and asked her possible times to
> have the workshop this semester. She is able to do on Friday.  How
> about something like 3:30-5:00 on Friday?  Please let me know how  this
> time works out for you.
> I also want to remind you about the Global Village Community Forum
> tonight (Wednesday). It would be great if you could attend the meeting.
> Corson
> -- 
> Mutsumi Corson
> Japanese Language Program
> University of Vermont
> 479 Main Street
> Burlington, Vermont 05405
> phone: 802-656-1117
> fax:   802-656-8472
> email:  [log in to unmask]