Call for Presentations
Tenth Annual Vermont APSE
Supported Employment Conference:
"Harmony of Workplace Diversity"

May 14, 2007
Wyndham Hotel & Conference Center
Burlington, Vermont
Keynote Speaker: David Harp

David is the author of two dozen "how to" books, on subjects ranging from music to meditation. He's great at making complex subjects seem simple!  He's also an internationally known teacher of cognitive-behavioral science (currently the most effective form of psychology for behavioral change in organizations or individuals), and travels the world teaching groups of every kind to work more co-operatively and more effectively, with greater creativity and less stress.

APSE-The Network on Employment is a non-profit, national membership organization formed to improve and expand integrated employment opportunities, services and outcomes for persons with severe disabilities.

*Note: Please copy and distribute to employers, employees, families, and advocates who may be interested.

Call for Presentations:
We would like to extend this invitation and opportunity for you to share your successes, ideas, innovations, and expertise with your fellow supported employment partners.  Our theme this year is
"Harmony of Workplace Diversity"

We invite supported employees, employers, providers, school employment staff, and other interested persons to take this opportunity to be creative and share your expertise, issues, concerns, and solutions with others. 

We are offering a variety of Session Types for you to share your success and expertise. 

Session Types:

Workshop: (1 hour) Presentation of topical information that may include audience participation.

Panel Discussion: (1 hour) Designed to offer information from several individuals on one topic or related issues.  A moderator must be designated to lead the discussion.

Poster Session:  Involves displaying or disseminating information and/or materials on tabletops.  Poster sessions may be on display all day.
Please submit Abstract with completed Presentation Information Form by March 12, 2007 to:

Bryan Dague/Vermont APSE Conference Committee          
University of Vermont                          
Mann Hall, 3rd Floor                           
208 Colchester Ave.                            
Burlington, VT 05405-1757                                                                                              
Phone: 802-656-1345
Fax: 802-656-1357
Email: [log in to unmask]

Presentation Information Form

Presenter Information

Lead Presenter Name: 

Title of Presentation:





Zip Code:




Please list any necessary Presenter Accommodations and Audio/Visual needs:

Co-Presenter Information
Note: Lead presenter is responsible for all communication with co-presenters.

1. Name(s):


2. Name(s):


3. Name(s):


4. Name(s):



Session Type: (please check)
__Panel Discussion             
__Poster Session               
Theme Track: (please check)

__Mental Health
__Employer Relations


Presentation information is concerned with persons with: (check all that apply) 
__Deaf or Hard of Hearing      
__Multiple Disabilities        
__Vision Impairment/Blindness  
__Psychiatric Disability       
__Dual Diagnoses               
__Cognitive Disability
__Physical Disability          
__Traumatic Brain Injury       
__Transition Services          

Abstract:  Please use the space below or a separate paper to briefly describe your presentation.  (limit to 100 words)

Bryan Dague
University of Vermont
Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
Mann Hall, 3rd Floor
208 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405-1757

Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (802) 656-1345
Fax: (802) 656-1357
TTY: (802) 656-8499