The Town of Norwich places the entire report (in a smaller font) in the Town Report.  We do this for a couple of reasons.  1. To maintain an historical copy of the audit report in a place where it can be found by anyone.  It costs a lot of money to have the audit done, so we pay a little more to have it in the annual Town Report.  2. We have been told by our auditors that we cannot place portions of the report in the Town Report.  Either it all goes in or nothing goes in.  If we chose not to put it in, we would make a statement that copies are available at the Town offices.

As an aside, the auditors for the Norwich School District don't care if we place only certain pages of the annual audit in the Town Report.  

It would be such fun to have the two firms in a room and hear them discuss this.

Cheryl Lindberg

>I would like to ask those Towns that have independent auditors if they put the entire auditors report into the Town Report or none at all but have copies available at the Town Office and/or at Town Meeting?
>Patti Lewis