Posting on behalf of a colleague. Please respond to Jim Comes or Nancy 
Harger directly -- their contact information is below.

Thank you.

Donna Berryman, MLIS
Outreach Coordinator
New England Region, NN/LM
U Mass Medical School
Worcester, MA

Jim Comes and Nancy Harger from the University of Massachusetts Medical 
School Library are attempting to identify librarians who serve on 
Institutional Review Boards (IRB).

Currently, librarians have varying degrees of responsibility and involvement 
on the IRB.  We are interested in meeting with librarians serving on IRBs to 
discuss issues, challenges, opportunities, roles and degree of involvement.  
We have struggled to define our role, search the literature to support the 
research proposal and/or safety of the volunteers.

If you have similar concerns or experiences you would like to share, please 
contact us.  Our intentions are to meet informally at MLA to gauge the 
degree of interest and explore the possibility of creating an informal or 
formal group of IRB librarians.


Jim Comes ([log in to unmask]) and Nancy Harger 
([log in to unmask])

James F. Comes Ed.D., M.S.L.S., MS
Associate Director
Reference, Education, Research Services
The Lamar Soutter Medical Library
Univ. of Massachusetts Medical School
55 Lake Av. North
Worcester, MA  01655
(w) 508-856-6810  (fax) 508-856-5899
[log in to unmask]

Nancy E. Harger, MLS
Information Literacy Librarian
Lamar Soutter Library
UMass Medical School
55 Lake Ave. North
Worcester, MA 01655
508 856-3334
[log in to unmask]

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