I have certainly been blocked from web sites off and on for probably the last three or four years, ever since reliable blocking software became available. There is usually some way around the problem, using commercial databases, or just an alternative source. Unfortunately, since I do not have access to an unblocked computer at work, and am not about to bring this type of problem home, I really don't know if the site that was blocked could have been helpful. We are able to appeal a restriction for work related purposes, but it usually seems expedient to try to work around it. Also, we have to appeal to a central agency IT department to un-block things, this can take days! I have done a lot of searching for information on behalf of our patients, who are not allowed internet access, an have run into pages that I was GLAD were blocked. Working in a maximum security psychiatric facility, I have to be careful! But I can well imagine the frustration when there is a matter of urgency for patient care at stake. And yes, we also block sites that eat bandwidth, for just that reason, people were putting on news video on their computers, and leaving it on all day, like a TV! Beti Horvath, MLS Library Services Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center New Hampton NY 10958 [log in to unmask] 845-374-3171x3625 Fax 845-374-3171x4625 IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail is meant only for the use of the intended recipient. It may contain confidential information which is legally privileged or otherwise protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, you are strictly prohibited from reviewing, using, disseminating, distributing or copying the e-mail. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. Thank you for your cooperation.