Will someone tell me why it is that the day I wear my one and only *white*
turtleneck is the day that the copy machine spews a mushroom cloud of toner?
AND that I have to peel open one of those wretched foil seals on a bottle of
red stamp pad ink?

I leave it to your imagination.  Sigh.  Maybe I can incorporate it into a
piece of abstract collage.

And did I mention the frozen condensation inside my beautiful new windows
(it's been below zero every night for a week now) that turned into (what
else) running water when the sun hit it?

Julie Stielstra, MLS
Supervisor, Knowledge Resource Library
Central DuPage Hospital
25 N Winfield Rd
Winfield, IL 60190
phone 630-933-4536
fax     630-933-4530
email [log in to unmask]