One of my patrons received the below request.  Please let me know if there are any organizations designed to help with things like this.  Or feel free to help if you can.

Stuart Moss
Library Director
Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
140 Old Orangeburg Rd.
Orangeburg, NY  10962

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845/398-5551 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----

I appologize for bothering you with my own problems . I know that , as  a junior physician, I have no right to bother  a professor , but asking for your kind help ,   was my last chance .

I practice in a remote area of W.Azarbaijan , Iran , close to  Iran - Iraq border zone . As the sole medical facility in region , we have to practice all branches of Family & Internal  Medicine  here . Most of our patients are poor and unable to pay even our negligible visit fee  . Also as I am far from medical colleges , libraries and professors in Iran , my sole consultants are my books and journals . On the other hand , my low income does not allow me to buy  all my needed books & journals  .

To do update my knowledge and do my best in diagnosis and treatment of patients , I need 2002-2006 previous issues and current issues for 2007-2008 period of your excellent journal " Postgraduate Medicine "   . These issues , esp. their review articles , case records and .... , will enable me to be of more and better service to my patients , as they need it in most times . I hope you have extra copies  of this journal and be so kind to me and my patients to send it to :

Dr.  Mohamed   Alipuor   .
P.O.Box  1859   ,  Central  Post  Office
Moddarress  Square  ,  Urmia ,
IR-57135  ,   W.Azarbaijan ,  IRAN  .

Also any issues of 2002-2006 period of folllowing journals could be of great help for me too . If you have any copy available , you may please send them ,too .

1/ The Journal of  Family Practice  2000-2006 issues .
2/ American Family  Physician   , 2002-2006 issues .

I do thank you for your great support and help .  Awaiting your kind support I remain .

Kindest   Regards
Mohamed   Alipuor    M.D.