From our Director of Education:



-----Original Message-----
From: Leanna Lovato 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 4:59 PM
To: Kathy Tacke
Subject: RE: REF Q: Nursing Ed by drug reps?


Linda:  We do not have policy for this as far as I know.....  We have
reps do inservices on equipment etc... 

we like to keep the inservices coordinated through pharmacy if possible.
Thanks, Leanna


Leanna Lovato, RN, BS, CDE

Director of Education

Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County

P. O. Box 1359

Rock Springs, WY 82902

(307) 352-8336

[log in to unmask]




Kathy Tacke, 

Media and Resource Specialist

Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County

1200 College Dr.

Rock Springs, WY  82901





-----Original Message-----

From: Kathy Tacke [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 

Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 11:47 AM

To: Leanna Lovato

Subject: FW: REF Q: Nursing Ed by drug reps?


Leanna - can we help her out - do we have a policy regarding drug reps?


-----Original Message-----

From: Medical Libraries Discussion List

[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Guessferd Mary

Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 11:28 AM

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: REF Q: Nursing Ed by drug reps?


Hi everyone! 

My Director of Nursing/Education is interested in finding out what other

facilities' policies are with regard to having drug reps in to do

education for nurses? Could you please let me know what your facility's

policy is, if possible?



Mimi Guessferd 

Medical Librarian/CME Coordinator 

Parkland Medical Center 

One Parkland Drive 

Derry NH 03038-2750 

telephone: 603-421-2318