Cleo--I've written an article on the risks and benefits of electronic journal collection.  It might clarify this matter for your administration.  "Risk analysis of an electronic journal collection" J of Hospital Librarianship, 2006, v.6,n.3,pgs.57-66.

Joy Kennedy, MLS
Northwest Community Hospital
Health Resource Library
800 W. Central Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2392
Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 
Phone: 847-618-5180; Fax 847-618-5189

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of
> [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 5:52 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [MEDLIB-L] URGENT e-journals - pros and cons ?
> Dear Colleagues,
> We have staff that are unhappy with the access to ejournals - 
> eg the time 
> it takes to download , access sometimes is only a few years 
> or a year , 
> and we have have recently lost access to Ovid titles via 
> Ebsco due to a 
> misunderstanding of payment - which caused an enormous loss 
> of confidence 
> in the delivery of this product . 
> I need to urgently  write a report  (or find one ) that 
> summarises   the 
> pros and cons of  online journal management  - so that management 
> understand the nature  and issues that we as librarians have 
> to deal with 
> when working with this product . That it is not perfect  and 
> often not a 
> substitute for print.
> I would love to hear other peoples expereiences and comments.
> Many Thnaks 
> Cleo.
> Cleo Wilkinson
> Librarian
> Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
> PO Box 344
> Indooroopilly
> QLD 4068
> ph: 61 7 3377 8525
> fax: 61 7 3377 8737
> email: [log in to unmask]

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