Sent by NCBI [log in to unmask]

Colleagues, That is the message one gets for search results sent via
email in the PubMed drop down box.  

Last month I had a go round with NLM and NCBI about the message headers
used by NCBI and NLM for emailed PubMed search results.  Above is the
message header.  The subject line is something like pubmed search
results.  Yes!! Pubmed NOT PubMed as we all may have come to know it by
now, after how many years?

The thing that really gets be about the above is that it is a message
from nobody.  Who ever heard of such nonsense? To think this is a
message from an educated, librarian, scientific, scientist group!  What
second grader came up with the idea, "Let's we send a message from
nobody at ncbi"?

Colleagues, since NCBI and NLM cannot seem to understand our security
systems may not, will not, might not accept a message from nobody no
matter where the .gov is, will you please inundate NLM with requests
that they change for the better their emailed PubMed search results with
a better message line?  My single discussion did not seem to have any

Today, I have a customer telling me she never received the search
results I sent her last week via "Send to" "Email" drop down box for
PubMed searches.

I probably will get blasted by NLM, but this is ridiculous as a message
from intelligent library folks.  Who knows what spam guard security
systems will do? And IF YOU THINK WE HAVE TIME to tell every customer
about adjusting security and spam guard systems, you are living in a
dream world.  Create a message from the National Library of Medicine
that is meaningful to readers and to spam guard systems, please.

My opinions and not those of my institution.  Thomas

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Thomas Hill, Librarian, Self Regional Healthcare, Medical Library, 1325
Spring St., Greenwood, SC 29646