My two cents:  Like all other professions, there are some good and some
not so good diagnosticians.  In Medicine this becomes crucial since it
involves life and death issues.   And the NEJM might be reporting a case
of miss-diagnosis or poor diagnosis.  What you do with such a physician
is another matter...send him back to pass the boards?   And if he passes
with 70% (or whatever the passing grade is), I always worry that, if
this was my physician,  my problem might fall into the 30% that that
person missed...

Life is a dangerous proposition at best.  

Dalia Kleinmuntz, M.L.S. 
Director of Webster Library & ENH Library Resources
Evanston Hospital, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
847-570-2664 (voice)
847-570-2926 (fax)                  [log in to unmask]
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Opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of ENH.