Please excuse cross posting.

Dear Colleagues,

The Hospital Libraries Section Standards Committee is seeking
information and data concerning the use of the MLA Standards for
Hospital Libraries. This information will help us determine how the
Standards are being used by hospital librarians and other related
parties.  We are interested in any positive and/or negative scenarios in
which the Standards were used to support increased services, space or
staff changes in your library or to combat an attempt to diminish any
level of library services.  It is important to complete the survey even
if you have never used the Standards in any fashion. Please complete the
survey that is located on Survey Monkey.  The link is:

Link to Standards for Hospital Libraries 2002 with 2004 revisions:

Thank you.

Margaret Bandy, HLS Standards Committee Chair
Margaret Bandy, MLS, AHIP
Manager, Library & Media Services
Exempla Saint Joseph Hospital
1835 Franklin St., Denver, CO 80218
303-837-7848 FAX 303-837-7977
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