Tom's comment is well taken.  In addition, an issue that has been overlooked is one of licensure and/or copyright, for example, the Cochrane Library (and for Wiley titles in general), where the template license agreement does not permit electronic or other ILLs.  

Ellen Rothbaum, MS, AHIP
Assistant Director
Daniel Carroll Payson Medical Library
North Shore University Hospital
300 Community Drive
Manhasset, NY 11030
[log in to unmask]
Tel:  (516) 562-4324
Fax:  (516) 562-2865

-----Original Message-----
From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Thomas L. Williams
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:31 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Medlib policy on ILL requests


Has Medlib changed its policy on using the listserv for ILL  
requests?  In the past the policy was that we could only do that when  
we've exhausted all other possibilities; Docline, OCLC, or whatever.   
Lately there seems to be ever-increasing ILL traffic on the list?  If  
it's now open season to do ILLs I'd like to know so we can avail  
ourselves of this service.



Thomas L. Williams, M.S.,A.H.I.P.
Director, Distributed eLibrary
Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar
Education City P.O. 24144
Doha, Qatar
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