I didn’t try the 2.5x client on my 650. But I gathered from the
FAQ link I posted and this forum post
that it should put the location info in the correct field
when using the earlier client version. They don’t discuss versions of Oracle
Calendar Server, though. That may have an impact. Are other palm-based Treo
users seeing the location data populated correctly on your palm calendar (that
is, not as a part of the event title)?
PS> CC-ing the treo listserv.
From: Technology Discussion at UVM
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of David Todd
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 10:06 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Oracle Calendar and SyncML
in reading back through this thread, it looks like the location-in-title issue
is likely to be there no matter which version of SyncML we're using.
Francis Swasey wrote:
The new features (specifically the resume an interrupted
sync) requires a SyncML Server V2. The Oracle Calendar Server provides a
SyncML Server V1 -- so, we're not there yet. And Version 10 of the
Calendar Server is still using V1 of the SyncML server (to the best of my
knowledge) -- so, we won't get their new gee-whiz features there either.
The admonition on their web site to stay with client version 2.5 is
specifically directed at Calendar Version 10 installs. Our current
Calendar Version 9 install has no such specific SyncML version matching.
It has configs for synthesis_palm_std and synthesis_palm_pro. So,
no need to fear v3.0 (SyncML) until we migrate to V10 (Calendar) -- but no new
feature gains either. :(