Hi Anne,  
  If the document looks like it is for another town, we contact the sender ask if they want it returned to them without recording.  If that is what they request, we notate in the daily log (paper copy only, not electronic) that a deed was returned without recording -- including grantor, grantee, type of document and who we spoke with that requested that the document be returned without recording.  If we do not record the document then we do not enter it in NEMRC so a sequence number is not assigned to it.
  If we are unable to reach the sender, primarily an out of state bank, or our call is not returned that day we go ahead and record the document.  We record the document and mail the recorded document back to the sender with a note that they might want to record it in the town named in the document.  If the document is a mortgage discharge that requests it be sent to the resident after recording, we will send the recorded discharge back to the sending bank (instead of the resident)if we think it should also be recorded in the proper town.  Our document register (in NEMRC) includes the address and the date the document was returned after recording.
  Jessica Alexander, Town Clerk for Jericho

Anne Gilbert <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  My name is Anne Gilbert. I am a real-estate paralegal and title abstractor.  
I would like to ask town clerks a recording question.
What do town clerks do if you receive a document, like a Mortgage Deed, that is for property in a different town?  
If you record it, how do you index such a document?  If you don't record it, do you keep a record of what you did with it?

Dorset, Vermont  

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