On 7/27/07, Michael Balter <[log in to unmask]> wrote:"Michael, curiosity: Do you read Slate for fascinating examples of propaganda like this, or do they also do any real journalism?"
Claudia, all you have to do is look at Slate once in a while and you can come up with your own answer to that question.
Your reaction to the article was not knee-jerk, thanks. I found the article interesting because I do think that personal agency is key to dealing with situations like addiction, even if it is not the only element necessary for recovery and rehabilitation, and I do think that we are awash with a lot of PC victomology. Just watch any program on Oprah or Larry King. And while the fact that one of the authors is at the AEI is relevant and interesting, I do not automatically discount someone's opinion because they are at a rightwing think tank any more than I automatically accept someone's opinion because they work for a left wing organization or write for a left publication.
Thanks, Michael - I will take the present example as illustrating Slate's approach.
I have to say, I don't "automatically discount someone's opinion because they are at a rightwing think tank," but I certainly take that as a relevant factor to understanding what they write, and especially why they write it.