What time during the day would this be? I might be able to help out  
for a little bit but I have somewhere I have to be from 10-4.  Let me  
know because I would love to help out if I can.
Quoting Jacqueline Elizabeth Bell <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hey guys,
>    There is a serve-a-thon going on next saturday.  We can register  as
> a chapter and volunteer on a service project here in Burlington!   This
> is a great way to give back to our community.
>   If you are interested let me know ASAP.  I will need to register us
> by the 21st!!
> Thanks,
> Jacquie
>> You are invited to participate in Community Service Programs' 16th   
>>   Annual Serve-A-Thon, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007.  We have some  
>> great    service projects lined up, both indoors and outdoors! All  
>> you  need   to do is register as an individual, group, floor, or  
>> chapter  to   participate in a great day of several hours of  
>> meaningful  service   in the community, free breakfast and lunch,  
>> the chance to  win   prizes, and a post-service reflection.
>> Check your calendars and join us on Saturday, September 29th!     
>> Families, kids, and friends welcome! Register by Sept. 21st to     
>> secure a spot for your or your group at:  http://www.uvm.edu/~hearts/
>> -- 
>> Sarah Hoffert
>> Coordinator of Outreach & Programming
>> Community Service Programs
>> The University of Vermont
>> Dudley H. Davis Center
>> 590 Main Street
>> Burlington, VT 05405
>> Phone: 802-656-2060
>> Fax: 802-656-656-7731
>> E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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