Are you required to attend the full 8:30 to 1:30, or can a segment be

Sebastian Ventrone

Senior Technical Staff Member
CMOS Foundry Logic/Foundry IP Chair
 IBM Microelectronics
 Phone: (802)-769-6118,  Fax: (802) 769-6206  Tieline: 8-446-6118
 E-Mail: stv @

             Elizabeth Bell                                                
             <[log in to unmask]>                                           To 
             Sent by:                  [log in to unmask]                    
             Engineers Without                                          cc 
             <[log in to unmask]                                     Subject 
             >                         Last Night's Meeting                
             11/27/2007 09:45                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             Engineers Without                                             
             <[log in to unmask]                                             

Hi everyone,

   I hope that you all feel better; I got a lot of sick emails.
Something must be going around.
   The banquet is coming up very quickly!  Shanta is going to meet
with catering services and confirm our event officially.  It will cost
about $24 total per person.  We are asking for students to pay $20 to
attend (slightly less than at cost).  If you are unable to pay this
amount and would still like to attend; please speak to me individually
and we can talk about fundraising to cover your ticket.
   REMINDER:  Wednesday, December 12th from 8:30 to 1:30 we are going
to volunteer at the VT teddy bear factory.  We need AT LEAST 20 people
to show up and volunteer to get any funds.  We will receive $8 per
person per hour of volunteering.  Please encourage all of your friends
to come help out!!  If we have 20 people, we will receive $800!  If we
can get 30 people, we will receive $1200!  The more the better :)
   Please let me know ASAP if you can fundraise at VT Teddy Bear.
