Last year we held a Supported Employment Retreat at Lake Morey Resort.  It was so successful we are doing it again!

Dave Hammis of Griffin-Hammis Associates ( will be joining us for the two days for an in-depth training and consulting on Self-Employment for individuals with disabilities.  So, if you are working with individuals who are self-employed, or you would like to learn more about it, this retreat is for you.


February 12 & 13, 2008
Lake Morey Resort (
Fairlee, Vermont

This retreat and training is co-sponsored by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant which will off-set the costs and make this very affordable.  More information on registration and agenda will be coming soon...
Bryan Dague, Ed.D.
University of Vermont
Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
Mann Hall, 3rd Floor
208 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05405-1757

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Phone: (802) 656-1345
Fax: (802) 656-1357
TTY: (802) 656-8499