Good Day DACers -

I hope you are enjoying the snow and are safe in your travels around  
campus this morning.  It is slick out there.

In preparation for our Thursday meeting (3-5 PM - Jost) I am asking  
you to think about our current use policy (attached for your  
reference) and a few, but important, questions that have surfaced in  
our first semester of operation.  This will be the focus of our  
discussion.  I also hope to present some use data from a sample 6  
weeks from the fall semester.  As we strive for building equilibrium,  
the data becomes an important measurement.

What should be considered before we "bump" (or ask someone to  
relocate) an event?

What additions might we add to the "protected" dates on the current  

We have had a few concerns voiced about the use the Livak Fireplace  
for receptions following a meeting or program.  The concerns have  
centered around  public access to food prior to the reception and the  
use of the space by visitors (reading, sleeping, talking, etc.) while  
the reception is process.  Since this is a public area that provides  
access to the western end of the 4th floor, what ideas do you have to  
alleviate the problem?  Also, if the Livak Fireplace Lounge remains  
open to the public, what are your thoughts on alcohol as part of the  
catered menu?

Do we need to adjust the access dates to the building (as per  
policy)?  It currently reads that UVM non-student units have ready  
access at all times prior to 5 pm.  To schedule time after 5 PM, non- 
students have to wait for either April 1 or November 1.

We have had some conflicts arise around non-student events ending  
with not enough time for a student program to set-up.  We have also  
had some of the same conflicts between student programs.  Beyond  
having the Operations folks do the best they can to accommodate the  
ending/set-up times, should we set any new parameters?

We have had some crowd control issues for a few events on the 4th  
floor.  We are moving to "block book" some events as an operational/ 
security strategy (requiring  managed access to the 4th floor through  
the main stairway).  We anticipate this being required from an  
operational perspective a few times a semester for evening/late night  
programs.  We also know that it has surfaced a few times for other  
events (to limit public access to the 4th floor).  What are you  
thoughts on this dynamic?

We also have had a few requests for program to extend after the  
stated building operating hours.  Do you see any issues to consider  
beyond the challenge to the Operations Office in securing the  
building later and the billing of the program sponsor for extra  
support service time?

Thanks.  See you Thursday.


Patrick Brown
Director of Student Life and the
	Dudley H. Davis Center
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(802) 656-2060