OOps, Here's the URL for the white-crowned sparrow audio story I mentioned before:


Hope you can get it.


Saint Geogre

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Stein <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Fri, 9 May 2008 8:27 pm
Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] Mystery song

Hi, Jane-- 
I don't believe the URL you mean to post actually got into your message. Could you try it again? I'd be very interested in having a listen. I love the way these guys sing, and I know just enough to know that there are quite a few dialects and I'd be very interested to hear some of them, if that's what's on the site you mentioned. 
The Other Jane 
Jane Schlossberg wrote: 
> Greg, I agree with Jane, and if it is the white-crowned sparrow, you've done a great job "translating" its song. Here is a good website with an audio journal devoted to this species' song. Let us know if that sounds right! 
> > > > Jane 
> > Saint George 
> > > -----Original Message----- 
> From: Jane Stein <[log in to unmask]> 
> To: [log in to unmask] 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Schlossberg <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Fri, 9 May 2008 6:41 pm
Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] Mystery song

Greg, I agree with Jane, and if it is the white-crowned sparrow, you've done a 
great job "translating" its song. Here is a good website with an audio journal 
devoted to this species' song. Let us know if that sounds right!


Saint George

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Stein <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Fri, 9 May 2008 11:17 am
Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] Mystery song

I always have a very hard time "hearing" song in human text 
transliterations, but there's a White-Crowned Sparrow singing 
away right outside my window as I sit at the computer, and the 
general form of its song would seem to fit, particularly that 
insitial firm "sure" note followed by a quicker, slightly more 
vague pattern.  Have you tried listening to examples of that? 
They actually do vary quite a bit, so examples you find on the 
Web may not match note for note what you've heard, so listen more 
for the tonal quality and the general shape of the song. 



Gregory Askew wrote: 

> Here at Northlands Job Corps in Vergennes there are two birds singing a song 

> I can't quite place. We have a pretty open campus with scattered trees. The 

> birds in question must be a passerine and one was singing fairly high in a 

> maple. 

> The song went like this... 

> Sure te-o te-o too too sure 

> The first note was the longest, the second and third were quicker and 

> identical, and the last three had a buzzy quality. 

> Any thoughts? 

> Greg 

> Vergennes 
