Am out at the National Ski Areas Association annual convention in San
Francisco.  Preliminary numbers on the season were released yesterday -
this was a record year, with an estimated 60.1 million skier visits.

Regionally, the numbers break like this:

Northeast (New England, New York) - up 19.3% year over year
Mid Atlantic (Pennsylvania and points south) up 6.5%
Midwest up 12.3%
Rockies up 2.3%
Pacific West up 10%

It should be borne in mind that the Northeast and Mid Atlantic regions had
wretched years last year - worst in a decade in the Northeast, and
second-worst for the Mid Atlantic - and that last year's Pacific West
totals were the weakest in the past decade.

Still, it was a good year for the industry, and people here are pretty happy.

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