So that I don't break forum rules,

Which topic is censored?

1) Missing references in HIV papers.

2) Semantics of "virus isolation".


3) Any criticism of HIV theory.

Jim West

On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 12:02:18 -0700, Michael H Goldhaber <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I asked you and others to stop posting on this topic. It is quite
>clear to me that no evidence will persuade you. Likewise, you will not
>persuade most of us. If you post again on this, unless other list
>members object, I will moderate all your posts and remove those on
>this topic. That will delay all your posts, as I cannot be constantly
>Michael H. Goldhaber
>SftP list moderator
>On Aug 1, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Jim West wrote:
>> Michael Goldhaber;
>> You write:
>> "Isolating an bioactive agent merely means being able to culture it
>> from infected tissue, that is grow it in more or less pure form, then
>> detect the agent , say by electron microscopy and then use it to
>> transmit the infection in some way."
>> My response:
>> "More or less pure" ??  That would mean the resulting observations
>> would be
>> "more or less pure".   In the case of many viruses, the virus is
>> virtually
>> undetectable in the "pure strain".
>> Inspired by definition of "isolating a bioactive agent", I have
>> looked up a
>> standard definition for "isolate" and it is contradicts you, unless
>> you are
>> accenting your phrase, "less pure".
>> "Isolate: A sample from a defined source." -- Roger Hull, Fred
>> Brown, Chris
>> Payne, Virology: Directory and Dictionary of Animal, Bacterial, and
>> Plant
>> Viruses (1989)
>> Not very precise.  That could mean "mud from a pond".
>> Virus "isolation" seems to be a great... semantic achievement.
>> Jim West
>> =====
>> On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 23:26:31 -0700, Michael H Goldhaber <[log in to unmask]
>> > wrote:
>>> 1. Isolating an bioactive agent merely means being able to culture it
>>> from infected tissue, that is grow it in more or less pure form, then
>>> detect the agent , say by electron microscopy and then use it to
>>> transmit the infection in some way. For anyone genuinely  interested,
>>> I am sure any textbook on infectious diseases would explain this.
>>> Such
>>> books can be found in any medical library, and probably in any
>>> hospital library.
>>> 2. Likewise there are books and journals devoted to HIV/AIDs by now
>>> that surely would provide numerous references to the isolation of the
>>> virus in many different laboratories.
>>> 3. If you read further down the reference Michael Balter provided you
>>> will see citations related to isolating HIV from AIDS cases.
>>> 4. Therefore, I think it is pretty clear that the people questioning
>>> the HIV hypothesis do not want to be enlightened on this subject, and
>>> are  finding utterly fake reasons to  continue to argue.
>>> 5. So please drop the subject. It is phony.
>>> Best,
>>> Michael
>>> -------
>>> Michael H. Goldhaber
>>> SftP list moderator