Japanese House members,

Christian from the Global Village Office sent out this message.
Please let myself or Corson-sensei know if you have any idea and the  
date you want to secure for Japanese House. Christian mentioned that  
earlier dates will be better, but whenever works for you will be good.  
We can also discuss this on Feb. 6th potluck party.

See you next Friday,
Kazuko Suzuki Carlson
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Vermont
479 Main Street
Burlington, VT 05405

----- Forwarded message from [log in to unmask] -----
     Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:04:11 -0500
     From: Christian John Barron <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Christian John Barron <[log in to unmask]>
       To: [log in to unmask]

Hi Program Directors and Faculty Advisors,

I'm resending this message due to a lack of responses...PLEASE REPLY ASAP!!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed their winter breaks and is getting back into
their school groove.
In case you forgot who I am, my name is Christian Barron and I am
program director of the
"Global Social Justice" Suite, and currently working for the Global
Village Office.
So, I have some news for everyone. The Wednesday Night Gatherings last
semester went
really well, and we have decided to continue it this semester. If you
need a refresher of
what the WNGs are, then here you go;

"The basic idea is that these should be social gatherings. including
some type of food
prepared/organized by the students in the house, and possibly some
type of activity such
as a cooking demonstration, learning a song, learning curse words in a
foriegn language,
or playing a game from another country. Each global village house
should ideally sign up
for one gathering this semester. This is entirely student-led (GV
would likely not be
present), with each hose receiving an extra 50$ of funds to cover costs"

The events last semester were great and highly creative. I just want
to also remind
everyone that you must also make posters of your event, and wither
give or e-mail a copy
to Sarah Reid ([log in to unmask]) 1 WEEK PRIOR TO YOUR EVENT! Also, there
were a few programs
that were unable to host a WNG last semester and will be prioritized
this semester if
they wish. Here are the dates this semster that I have. Feel free to
ask for a specific
one if it corresponds to a holiday or anything that has to do with
your program.

Feb 4 - Shalom Home
Feb 11
Feb 18
Feb 25
Mar 4
Mar 18
Mar 25
Apr 1
Apr 8
Apr 15
Apr 22
Apr 29

Please tell me 1) what date you want 2) your activity/event title 3)
where it will be
held (and when...typically though they are supposed to take place at
8pm). Remember, if
you need to reserve a room (FPL, classroom, etc), talk to Sarah or Joe.
Thanks everyone,