Hello out there in CKP-land!
I want to inform you folks of an exciting and fun event this weekend -- the Jamm'n concert hosted by our good friends at FeelGood! There are going to be several musical groups/dance crews in the Livak Ballroom to entertain us from 6-11 pm, along with FeelGood and free Ben and Jerry's with the purchase of a FeelGood sandwich. Admission is $5 at the door for students, and keep this in mind -- this is one of FeelGood's major fundraisers for the year, and you've gotta recognize the awesome support they give to the Hunger Project, fighting to end chronic, persistent hunger. Plus, CKP will be there tabling and sponsoring a fun and interactive advertising campaign for US!! Come check it out and help us with our own PR!
Also, if you're interested in tabling with us, or helping FeelGood run the show, email me at
[log in to unmask], or Dani from FeelGood, one of the event's organizers, at
[log in to unmask].
I hope to see you all there!