since it is the University making the move, try to see if you can get facility to agree to move the pad too, to the new site.

Sebastian Ventrone

Senior Technical Staff Member
CMOS Foundry Logic/Foundry IP Chair
IBM Microelectronics
Phone: (802)-769-6118, Fax: (802) 769-6206 Tieline: 8-446-6118
E-Mail: stv @

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Oven Location

Hi Everyone,

  The location of the oven may need to be moved in order for us to  
build our complete design.  Ken from the UVM department of  
Architecture is looking into other possible sites.  We will let you  
know when we know about where the new site will be.  So there will not  
be an oven building session this weekend.  I will keep you all posted.
