
The documentation was written when we were using Calendar Version 9.  To 
be honest, it doesn't matter if you use ocas-bin, ocws-bin, ocst-bin, or 
even global-bin -- the Calendar web server sends you to the same 
physical directory for all of them.

So -- follow the documentation, it works and will continue working.


On 10/28/09 9:46 AM, Roger Bombardier Jr. wrote:
> Greetings,
> I would like to pick the collective brains of some syncJE & syncML users:
> on our wiki at:
> it say that the the server URL for SyncML is:
> a client I spoke with recently said that the path should actually be:
> the difference being "ocst-bin" versus "ocas-bin"
> I'm not presently in the position to test both at the moment and 
> wondering which seems to work for folks?
> -Thanks,
> Roger

Frank Swasey                    |
Sr Systems Administrator        | Always remember: You are UNIQUE,
University of Vermont           |    just like everyone else.
  "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)