We are offering our proportional reasoning course in a new format: Proportional Reasoning in the Middle Grades *Online*. This is a three-graduate-credit mathematics course for educators of grades 5 through 9, sponsored by the Champlain Valley Educator Development Center, GlobalClassroom, and the Vermont Mathematics Partnership. There will be twelve sessions between February 1 and May 15, 2010; these will be asynchronous online sessions, so that you will be able to go online any time that works for you during the week of a session. The course instructors are Leslie Ercole and Marny Frantz, and the cost is $850 plus the cost of the text. To register: *Go to *http://cvedc.champlain.edu/* and click on “Check out our online courses.” After registering and logging in, you will find this course in the catalog “Courses for Vermont Teachers by Vermont Teachers” and the category “Math.”* * * *For more information about this course, see the attached flyer and email Marny at *[log in to unmask]*. * -- Marny Frantz Mathematics Educator 802-879-0509 [log in to unmask]